Friday 7 December 2007

Just How Well Hung Is Gordon Brown?

Holy Moly 5/10/2007

A mole used to work at the Department for Work and Pensions and had the pleasure of occasionally running into the then Chancellor, Gordon Brown, at the Treasury gym.

He reports that our current Prime Minister is packing some serious fiscal policies between his legs, which would be more at home on a racehorse than a dour Presbyterian.

Seriously, it's no wonder his wife always looks knackered, the mole assures us. Gordon is holding a majority of a tube of Pringles with a bull's heart on top, and if there was a sudden swing to the right it'd take half of Whitehall with it.

Popbitch 22/11/2007

A fellow gym-goer tells us that Gordon Brown is "incredibly pale and doughy" and that he's "not at all keen on flashing" his penis in the changing rooms. However he's seen it briefly and it was "unmemorable".


Left Luggage asks, is it possible recent events have caused Gordon's majority to shrink?

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