Tuesday 8 January 2008

Great Orator = A Complete And Utter Shit

It's what they say about Enoch Powell, when anyone brings up his dodgy race politics, as if that somehow defends what he says. I keep hearing it about George Galloway as well. Is it a modern day euphemism for someone who has really dodgy politics but is popular and you don't want to join the easy and simple bandwagon who condemn them out of hand?

Going back to Enoch, I've heard countless times that his "rivers of blood" speech was literary exaggeration, using a classical quote to make a point and that, in fact, Enoch was just speaking about the fears of the modern man and pointing out issues that would prove more and more relevant after his time.

No he wasn't. I've read his original speech. His biggest affront is on behalf of a little old white landlady living in fear of a law which says she cannot refuse a tenant over the colour of his skin.

And Galloway has managed to ally himself with the kind of people who support the most hideous bigotry, and given them access to mainstream politics.

Save us from great orators, please.

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