Friday, 25 January 2008

The greatest left wing blogger we never had

Guido would make a great left-wing activist. Resilient, unflappable, hide like a rhino and a charge to match, he'd be perfect for the infighting we lefties seem to generate by our very nature. He's also witty, rude and unpredictable. He's great. And he runs RichAndMark cartoons.

Shame then, on claiming Peter Hain's scalp, he seems to have sent his victory cheer through the email system of the Conservative Party.

Can you picture Paul Staines, sitting in Tory HQ at a desktop, with everyone around him walking past oblivious to his presence? No, neither can I.

All those anti-Cameron posts must just be cover then.

I wonder if he'll ever stand for London mayor?

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Clearing Your Name

So. Peter Hain. Resigned in order to clear your name?

Is it me, or was the last politician who did something like that Jonathan Aitken?

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Bush Starts Making Cuts

Today, Guido painted a stark picture of George Bush getting down to the essentials of the US economy, while Gordon Brown, in a frippish mood, went on Blue Peter to say nice things to a TV presenter.

Thankfully The Daily Show was on hand to show George Bush,just after he made his big announcements, demonstrating for the cameras how to use a standing lawnmower.


Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Rock The Vote

The headlines scream murder. Billions upon billions being used by the British Government to prop up a failing bank, costing the taxpayers thousands each.


First, when one bank falls, it takes others with it. Confidence falls, the economy tumbles and in the current fragile state, it could bring down the country. Spending the money now is like building flood defences. Costs a bomb but less than the cost of not.

Second, it's not wasted money. The government are buying the bank. They can sell the bank. Some money may be lost in the interim, but it's a small percentage of that being spent, the benefits outweigh any such difference. Hell, the government may even make a profit, you never know.

Third. The accusation that this is nationalism by the back door. Why, yes it is. Just like the Labour heartland actually want. Bringing the government to make left-leaning policy even if not out of left-leaning ideology. Might actually get votes from the apathetic base just in time for a General Election.

Fourth. It might just work.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Hain The Pain

"Hain The Pain."

That's how he's known in South Africa. To be fair, that's how he's known by the marginalised white population, from the days when Peter Hain was a real fly in the ointment of the government's successful oppression of the majority of the population. He did things like organise actions within and without of the country, kick up a lot of press interest and generally cause a lot of bother, for one so white. And while all good-thinking white South African has rejected the bad old days (at least externally), the nickname has stuck. Hain The Pain. Probably one he should cherish, given the context.

But, with the current accusations of corruption and/or incompetence, maybe it's a nickname that Gordon Brown could be using right now.

Friday, 11 January 2008

Loughton Makes A Stand

On Big Brother: Celebrity Hijack, 20 year old annoying politico John Loughton got legless, and asked the in house dancer, Latoya, out on a date.

Said he'd take her to the cinema to see a funny film, go for pizza and have some chocolate soup and cocktails.

Smooth. Looks like he's following in Alan Clark's footsteps there.

The Early Day Motion Of The Beast

Early Day Motions are a good way for an MP to placate a constituency pressure group, get something off their chest, or (allegedly) receive a bung for speaking in Parliament on a topic - basically be seen doing something to change the law, without any danger of it actually becoming law.

It's the equivalent of one of those online petition things - various MPs can sign it, most don't, it usually gets ignored. Occasionally one may get elevated to a level where it actually matters - at which point pigs start doing the loop the loop over the Thames.


John Austin, Labour MP for Erith and Thamesmead has an Early Day Motion calling for the Disestablishment Of The Church Of England.

It's EDM Number 666.

Someone has a sense of humour.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Great Orator = A Complete And Utter Shit

It's what they say about Enoch Powell, when anyone brings up his dodgy race politics, as if that somehow defends what he says. I keep hearing it about George Galloway as well. Is it a modern day euphemism for someone who has really dodgy politics but is popular and you don't want to join the easy and simple bandwagon who condemn them out of hand?

Going back to Enoch, I've heard countless times that his "rivers of blood" speech was literary exaggeration, using a classical quote to make a point and that, in fact, Enoch was just speaking about the fears of the modern man and pointing out issues that would prove more and more relevant after his time.

No he wasn't. I've read his original speech. His biggest affront is on behalf of a little old white landlady living in fear of a law which says she cannot refuse a tenant over the colour of his skin.

And Galloway has managed to ally himself with the kind of people who support the most hideous bigotry, and given them access to mainstream politics.

Save us from great orators, please.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

John Loughton - Celebrity Big Brother Hijack Twunt

Big Brother Celebrity: Hijack features young "talented" people being bossed around by celebrities. By actually not forcing said celebrities to live with each other for weeks, they've actually got a decent list for the first time since the original (which only lasted a week and was for charity and no one's dignity had been destroyed then).

One of the so-called talented young chaps is this fellow. John Loughton, Chariman of the Scottish Youth Parliament. Yes, that is actually a job, and he got it when he was a teenager. The Channel 4 website says that "although he is only 20, he manages a team of staff, most of whom are in their 30s and 40s."

Oh they must love him.

And he's fat, ginger and Scottish. Clearly the nation will love his precocious, I-want-to-rule-you-all ways. Another career politician, but this time we get to see him at his sprawling bawling wailing sixth-form-politics stage. I don't even care what his leaning is, he's heading for a fall.

Apparently he won a competition to name a street in Edinburgh. He called it 'Old Distillery Close.' Yes, that's the way to dispel any stereotypes about the Scottish. Or should I say 'Scotch'.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

In Defence Of Ken

Ken Livingstone. the Londoner's favourite whipping boy. Charged with raising taxes, spending without limits, increasing bureaucracy, associating with dodgy individuals and causes and now linked with corruption.

Yesterday I bought my annual travelcard on my Oyster. And reflected that it was Ken who changed the travelcard rules so that any bus trip in the London area was covered by any travelcard. So, stuck out in Zone 4 as I am, away from any train or tube, I would have previously paid over £1300.

But since I only use the train and tube in Zones 1 and 2 in my daily commute, I paid £930 instead. Ken Livingstone has saved me £400 a year. So he gets my vote. How terribly Conservative of me.